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UM220, First BDS/GPS dual-system Navigation Module to Enter Dongfeng Nissan OEM Market

May 13, 2015

World's first mass-produced passenger cars officially listed Beidou Navigation Edition

Three years, while the "grind" Kai Chen million units off the assembly line speed writing industry Leadership and Kai Chen photo Beidou Navigation Edition

September 8, 2013, a time when Kai Chen third anniversary of birth of the brand, Nissan factory in Zhengzhou, Kai Chen greet 100,000 th downline, and declare the Beidou navigation system is equipped with the world's first mass-produced passenger car - Kai Chen officially listed Beidou Navigation Edition, priced at: D50, R50 MT Beidou navigation edition price 78,800 yuan, D50, R50 Beidou navigation edition price 87,800 yuan AT With Kai Chen Beidou navigation version of the listing, Chinese car satellite navigation market open new page. Beidou satellite navigation system developed by China itself as a global satellite positioning and communication systems, has entered the passenger car market in the civilian promotion and popularization stage.

Dongfeng Nissan vice president Ren Yong said: three years, between the Chinese automotive universal era background, Dongfeng Nissan insight into consumer demand, the completion of the Kai Chen brand power system from newborn to build, from the first to the ten new car market million units reached extraordinary trip. three years into the future is a summary of a new starting point, Kai Chen will adhere to the 'pro and neighbor, perfect practice' spirit, become a mainstream brand most consumers welcome.

Three temper before the trip, Kai Chen to create a new brand fastest car

Back Gu Qichen brand three years development, Kai Chen created a new brand of domestic automobile fastest growth rate from September 8, 2010 the brand was proclaimed, to March 20, 2012 the first production models, only the year and a half, completed during the research and development, procurement, manufacturing, sales and service system to build the entire value chain, from April 23, 2012 the first model listed, to September 8, 2013 million units off the assembly line, only less than a year and a half, eight months of 2013, total sales of 59,300 Kai Chen, in the same brand continues to lead. three years, Kai Chen success of the brand across the first stage, opened the accelerated increase in the channel.

Ren Yong said the first phase of Kai Chen brand's success is ultimately a 'system of competitive' success is 'customer first' philosophy of success three years ago, in the face of surging tide of popularity sedans, as Dongfeng 'big autonomy 'strategy important deployment, Kai Chen brand should be a timely, but in fact, before this, Nissan has been brewing people, saved up for years in Kai Chen brand was first established, Nissan devoted full for its first construction of a new The complete value chain system and this system grew out of Dongfeng Nissan, but relatively independent of independent research and development, procurement, manufacturing systems, able to more quickly respond to market demand in China, to build more in line with consumer demand for Chinese products. separate sales and service system, to better understand China's vast regional market characteristics, to provide customers with more valuable services.

Three years, with business R & D team and the ability to integrate global resources, Kai Chen developed to meet consumer demand for the product, D50, R50 has listed and continuous improvement, space, energy efficiency, quality advantage to win customers favor, by virtue of Kai Chen 'Quality Alliance' and the global benchmark factory, Nissan brought together outstanding global and local suppliers to ensure that from the parts to the vehicle to attain quality, with 'exclusive sales of network services' innovation model, Kai Chen rapidly in terms of sales layout of the network, nearly 140 franchise stores and more than 1,400 two outlets, the Kai Chen 'to the customer doorstep,' while in service full dual-brand synergies, nearly 800 service outlets strength, providing customers with the industry's most convenient and high-quality services.

Therefore, Kai Chen year growth path, though not smooth sailing all the way, experienced the brand was founded early reconstruction arduous whole value chain, also experienced growth in the new car market trend micro initial face struggling to find sales exceeded the great care, but eventually overcome difficulties, the achievements of a pattern.

Cutting-edge pilot, Kai Chen officially listed Beidou Navigation Edition

8 September afternoon, an unprecedented Kai Chen D50 factory in Zhengzhou Nissan rolled off the production line, it is the 100,000 th Kai Chen brand vehicle and is the first version of the model in Taipei bucket navigation. Immediately, Nissan announced that Kai Chen Beidou Navigation Edition models officially listed as a new car Kai Chen D50, R50 flagship model, with the original model constitutes a more complete product line, the price range covering 68,800-X.XX million was to provide consumers with more choice.

Kai Chen Beidou navigation terminal equipped with the latest Compass / GPS dual-mode module, compared with other navigation terminal, adding a number of search, multi-channel point setting and other functions, to achieve a better man-machine interactive experience. Meanwhile, Kai Chen According to Chinese consumer habits on the center console for a new design style, to bring customers more accurate, convenient, user-friendly and practical navigation and communication services.

Beidou satellite navigation system is China's independent development, the independent operation of the global satellite positioning and communication systems, with the U.S. GPS, the Russian GLONASS mature with three global satellite navigation system, has been identified as the UN Committee on Global Navigation Satellite supplier one of China has successfully launched four Beidou navigation test satellites and sixteen Beidou navigation satellites, December 27, 2012 officially available from the Asia Pacific region passive positioning, navigation, timing services as of the end of 2012, China has a more than 40,000 fishing boats and 100,000 civil, commercial vehicles have Beidou navigation system.

Chinese satellite navigation system management office Ran Cheng Director attended the conference, affirmed Kai Chen Beidou navigation version listed on the Beidou satellite navigation system civilian promotion significance, he said Kai Chen is the first previously installed way equipped Beidou navigation system car brand, It will officially open the Beidou satellite navigation system in the civilian passenger area of a new journey. State Supreme Science and Technology Award winner, the Beidou satellite navigation project is also the chief architect of Sun Jiadong Academy is pleased inscription 'Compass Yiu Kai Chen Chi China Shenzhou' Message Compass navigation system with Kai Chen brand in the Chinese automobile market developments.

Ren Yong said: 'Kai Chen and Compass concept of development has a lot in common at the beginning, both adhered to use advanced technology and innovation service people. Believe Kai Chen Beidou Navigation Edition listing will certainly obtain consumers, boosting the Beidou satellite navigation system spread rapidly in the civilian market. 'Kai Chen listed on Beidou navigation, GPS declared civilian passenger car market dominance pattern is broken, from entering the Beidou navigation and GPS new era of hegemony.

Poised and hair, Kai Chen accelerate planning a new chapter

'To reach a million units, this is just the first step Kai Chen, longer journey ahead is still waiting.' Ren Yong said, 'three years before the line on bettering Kai Chen brands significance, our system run has been completed, our team grow rapidly in actual combat, Kai Chen will be the best, the second stage of development, and create a greater future.'

Rapidly reach thousands of units, largely thanks to Kai Chen brand through the 'prairie action' network of contacts rapidly extending through the rapid establishment of the 1400 two outlets, so that the general four-tier cities and even county spending who are able to buy Kai Chen .2013 years, Kai Chen has launched a 'deep plowing action' to further expand the network at the same time, pay more attention to improve the operation of the network quality to the end, Kai Chen franchise stores will be expanded to 150, The two outlets under the premise of exchange transfusion in the update to reach 1500. strong channel strength, to provide accelerated takeoff Kai Chen market space.

Ren Yong introduced in the Beidou Navigation Edition listing, Kai Chen year there will be a new model listed at the same time, there are a variety of models are in active development, the next year will put more than a new model. Kai Chen will be formed within a few years all the major market segments covering product lineup to satisfy more fully the different car needs of Chinese consumers in terms of volume, with system power and acceleration of import cars, Kai Chen's sales will continue to accelerate.

Data show that Kai Chen products market, sales per hoh .2012 50% growth rate in the second half, sales of 29,100, the first half of 2013, sales of 43,700, the second half of 2013, Kai Chen plans to ring increased 50 percent, making 2013 the annual sales exceed 10 million mark, while sales expectations for the future, Ren Yong said: 'We are the first in the new car market last year, when the proposed five-year 100 million units of the goal that will not change.'

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